The expert council of special economic zone “Kulibin” approved two projects with a total investment volume of more than 20 billion rubles
2024-08-30 10:58
The expert council of special economic zone “Kulibin” approved the applications of Russilika LLC and Pervy Zavod LLC for the implementation of an investment project and the expansion of the existing project respectively.
“Today we have approved two more projects with an impressive total investment volume – nearly 20 billion rubles. One of the companies aims to increase the investments in the existing project and expand the production, thus creating additional jobs as well. The other company that is already constructing a plant aims to create another one, using a newly established legal entity,” – said Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Egor Polyakov.
In turn, Andrey Sanosyan emphasized that to date the expert council of special economic zone “Kulibin” has approved the implementation of 35 projects with a total investment volume of 100 billion rubles.
“Thus, half of the territory of the site is currently occupied. This is a remarkable result for such a short period of time. For now, we prioritize the creation of high-performance jobs. The labor market situation makes both investors and authorities search for new production technologies, allowing to increase the performance of jobs created,” – said Andrey Sanosyan.
Russilika LLC aims to construct a facility for the production of micronized silica gels and stable silica sols. These materials are widely used in the production of tires and rubber products, in the chemical and food sectors, oil refining, the production of building materials, etc. The total investment volume is almost 19 billion rubles, more than 100 jobs are planned to be created.
“We are already working on the creation of micronized silica gels and stable silica sols plant. For now, our goal is to scale the project. We are planning to start the constructionof a similar facility in Dzerzhinsk on the area of 26 hectares. We aim to start the construction next year, and commission the plant in 2029,” – noted Director general of Russilika LLC Leonid Grosh.
In turn, Pervy Zavod LLC aims to expand the existing project for the production of building metal structures, which was approved by the expert council in August 2023. Additional investment of 1.4 billion rubles will make it possible to increase the production volume and create 70 more jobs. In total, the project accounts for 2.1 billion rubles, 162 jobs are planned to be created.
The management company of SEZ “Kulibin” is the Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation.
“The Development Corporation, as the management company of the special economic zone, faces the task of creating the most comfortable conditions for investors on the site. The expansion of production facilities of existing residents indicates that this work is being carried out successfully”, – said Alexander Lyalin, Chief Deputy Director General of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation.
Let us recall that the special economic zone (SEZ) of industrial production type “Kulibin” was created in May 2020 on the territory of Dzerzhinsk.
In 2023, the area of SEZ was increased by 10 times, reaching 724 hectares. Thus, SEZ currently includes the state site (more than 400 hectares), as well as private sites of DPO “Plastic”, “Oka-Polymer” and “Sintez-Oka”. The preferential conditions of the SEZ reduce income tax rates for its residents from 20% to 2% in the first 5 years, to 5% in the next 5 years and 14.5% thereafter, and also establish zero rates for taxes on property and land and transport tax.
The procedure for obtaining resident status includes identifying a site for the implementation of the project together with a management company, registering a legal entity on the territory of the city. Dzerzhinsk, submission of documents to the management company, including applications for concluding an agreement, passport of the investment project, copies of constituent documents, certificate of registration of a legal entity and certificate of registration with the tax authority, certificate of absence of debt. Next, the investor defends the project at an expert council. Then a tripartite agreement is concluded with the Development Corporation of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Ministry of Economic Development and Investment of the region. Based on the agreement, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia issues a certificate certifying the registration of the enterprise as a resident of the Kulibin SEZ. To date, 31 companies have already received the status of resident of SEZ.