News SEZ "Kulibin"

The “Kulibin” SEZ is the first among Russia's preferential territories to implement the low-carbon development strategy

Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Andrey Sanosyan, Director of the Association of Clusters, Technology Parks and SEZs (AKIT) of Russia Mikhail Labudin, Director General of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation Igor Ishchenko and Vice President of Gazprombank Evgeny Khilinsky signed a cooperation agreement on the implementation of the low-carbon development strategy on the territory of the special economic zone (SEZ) “Kulibin” in Dzerzhinsk. The signing ceremony took place as part of the International Forum of SEZs in Dubna on October 4.

The agreement is aimed at developing mechanisms for the implementation of “green” technologies for low-carbon transformation of the economy and promoting the development of “green” industrial infrastructure with a view to scaling such solutions in Russia and friendly countries.

“The creation of new industries has a significant impact on economic development, but we must not forget about the environment. The negative effects should be minimized where possible. The “Kulibin” SEZ site is ideal for developing a systematic approach to implementing various solutions that help to preserve the environment. The low-carbon development strategy involves the use of renewable energy sources, “green” construction standards in the construction of infrastructure, the introduction of energy-efficient industrial processes and greenhouse gas emission monitoring systems”, said Andrey Sanosyan.

The “Kulibin” SEZ in was chosen as a pilot site for developing the low-carbon development strategy in May 2024 as part of the 5th meeting of the expert council on sustainable development under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

In accordance with the document, the low-carbon development strategy and recommendations for the development of “green” infrastructure will be developed by AKIT.

“One of the modern trends for economic development is an active transition to a “green” economy, which implies the introduction of a wide range of environmentally friendly in all sectors of the economy. At the “Kulibin” SEZ site, we are already working to create the necessary infrastructure. In addition, we are in constant contact with our residents, assisting them in organizing production processes at their sites in order to optimize the consumption of resources”, said Igor Ishchenko, Director General of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation.

In turn, Gazprombank plans to participate in the creation of financial mechanisms that will stimulate the introduction of “green” technologies for the low-carbon transformation of the industrial infrastructure of the SEZ. The company will also work out the possibility of implementing climate projects in the territory of the “Kulibin” SEZ.

The Nizhny Novgorod Region is actively working on “greening” the economy until 2035, which involves forming an economy taking into account the principles of sustainable development, increasing the level of environmental safety, resource conservation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Let us recall that the special economic zone (SEZ) of industrial production type “Kulibin” was created in May 2020 on the territory of Dzerzhinsk. In 2023, the area of SEZ was increased by 10 times, reaching 724 hectares. Thus, SEZ currently includes the state site (more than 400 hectares), as well as private sites of DPO “Plastic”, “Oka-Polymer” and “Sintez-Oka”.

The preferential conditions of the SEZ reduce income tax rates for its residents from 20% to 2% in the first 5 years, to 5% in the next 5 years and 14.5% thereafter, and also establish zero rates for taxes on property and land and transport tax.